Friday, May 27, 2011

New Chun Lian

My previous Chun Lian were even too ugly for me.

So I worked on some new Chun Lians to add to my dorm room door.

The top one is: 我爸是李剛.  English: My father is Li Gang.

There is from a famous incident in mainland China where a drunk driver runs over 2 college students and kills one. As he drives off, he calls out: "My father is Li Gang". His father was the local police official and so he thought he was above being held responsible for the murder. This phrase has become a rally cry in China about the corrupt ruling class. The phrase is blocked by the Great Internet Wall of China, that censors any dissent.

The second is my original Chun Lian:


English: A bala a day, keeps the doctor away.

Bala is local guava, very healthy. I've used the archaic world for doctor 大夫 instead of the more common word 醫生 because it is easier to write. (My Chun Lian, my way.)

On the other side is:


English: Taiwan is Taiwan, China is China.

The first line uses the traditional characters that are used in Taiwan,the second one uses the simplified characters of Mainland China. The lines express the idea that Taiwan and China are two different countries, no matter what China says.

The bottom middle lines are from a popular gangster movie in Taiwan.

When one gangster realizes that he has sent an assassin to kill someone who turns out to be his son, he says:

"When I was young, I thought I was wind and everyone else was grass. Now I am grass too."

The Chun Lian says:



Are you wind or grass?
In the end, we are all grass.

For the first three I used Mao Bi magic markers, I've given up on using a real Mao Bi(Chinese Calligraphy Brush). The Mao Bi is just to difficult to control.

For the fourth one, I devised a new method, I printed it out on the printer and then used a copier to enlarge the characters and print it on red paper. A cheat all the way.

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