Saturday, May 28, 2011


In Kaohsiung(GaoXiong) there is an exhibit of Modigliani, a famous contemporary of Picasso. Florence and I have been interested in Mondig ever since we bought an uncatalogued original print from a yard sale in the Georgetown neighborhood of Seattle.

I took the train to Kaohsiung and then the subway to the Aozhidi station from there it is just a mile to the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Art. It's fitting that on the walk to the Museum, I ran(walked) across this sidewalk graffiti.

Ai Wei Wei is a famous artist in Mainland China now for more than 3 months without and charge or any access to the outside world. mainland China brooks no dissent, and even preemptively detains those who might even be thinking of dissent. The communist dictatorship of mainland China is nothing to play with. But the current leadership has been through the Cultural Revolution and compromise or accommodation is seen as weakness. The US foreign policy always makes us look like chumps, we just don't get it.

Anyway, the Modigliani exhibit was great, lots of historical background, prints and painting. But no taking pictures in the gallery, here are some shots from outside the exhibit.

The is a good movie about Mondig(as we art connoisseurs call him). It gives a good feel for the Paris art community in the 1920's.

I thought I had never been to the Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts before, but actually I have been there a year ago when they has an exhibit of Pixar Animation.

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