Friday, May 20, 2011


 National Cheng Kung University and the World

I am now a returning alumni to NCKU(National Cheng Kung University) being a student of Chinese from 9/2009 to 3/2010 and now a student from 12/2010 to
6/2011. I love being a student again, there is something exciting about throwing out old ideas and now seeing new ideas in action. And having the time to investigate whatever I want.

I wrote about NCKU in a previous post.
NCKU is known mostly as an engineering school, strong in electrical, civil, and mechanical engineering. Even though other colleges in Taiwan are facing
a crisis because of declining enrollments because of declining birth rates, NCKU's position is secure. In both in China and Taiwan, politicians are often
drawn from the engineering ranks, because those graduates know how to get things done. Whereas in the US, politicians are invariably lawyers who like
to argue for the sake of argument. Like Robert Cray says: " ...if you want to make my day then tell me a boatful of lawyers just sank."

NCKU has the second best library in Taiwan, I hear
the National Taiwan University(NTU) in Taipei is better but I can't verify that claim. All I know is that the NCKU library is great and the Applied Mathematics Library at NCKU has more than I can handle.

There are dorms on campus but many students are commuters from off campus housing, motorcycles /scooters make this convenient.

Here is the time line for NCKU

1931 - Founded in Japanese time as Taiwan Technical 
1946 - Renamed Taiwan Provincial Junior College of 
1946 - Taiwan Provincial College of Engineering 
1956 - Taiwan Provincial Cheng Kung University
1971 - National Cheng Kung University

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