Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ideas #4

Sometimes you just see something new and you think: "That's a good idea!". Here's what I've seen lately. This wall of flowers is actually a wall of small planters as the plants grow they cover the planters and it looks like a wall of plants.

The one on the left is the shortest elevator I've every seen, it's at the TaoYuan airport. The one of the right is the tallest one I've ever seen, it goes up two flights from the Taipei subway to ground level.

A lot of cooking in Taiwan gets done on the street level, the cooking smoke is sometimes good(if you like that dish) and sometimes bad(if you don't like that dish). Some of the kitchens have hoods that vent the air through a filter like this one made from a plastic garbage bucket.

We all complain that products today have too much packaging. These wine bottles(with crimped on caps) have to be the best in minimal packaging.

There's a new building going up on campus, the construction will take a few years and the site is walled off with corrugated metal sheeting. To secure the footing they poured cement at the base. I doubt a thief will get under the sheeting.

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