Monday, May 16, 2011

Motorcycles in Tainnan - Suzuki

Suzuki into the 1960's was a 2 stroke engine motorcycle, following the trend they now use a 4 stroke engine. Per engine weight, the 2 strokes provide more power but have much worse engine emissions(smoky exhausts) and lubrication is always a problem with 2 strokes. Fuel efficiency is thought to be better with 4 strokes. There is a feeling that the 2 strokes have a shorter engine life than 4 strokes, but from the 2 strokes still running in Tainan, I wouldn't agree.

When they are loved they can be beautiful(the orange device is an anti theft alarm system):

The big fins on top of the cylinder marks them as 2 strokes. These are the kind of machines delivery 60 pound tanks of LP gas around Taiwan. Sometimes 3 tanks at a time.

The first motorcycle I every owned was a Suzuki 50, 50cc, I owned it before I had a driver's license and drove it illegally for awhile. It looked a lot like this one.
 I am a little bit dyslexic, I have trouble knowing my left from my right. It always takes an annoying short delay before I can choose a direction when I heard the words "left" or "right". I use to think this is why it took me 3 attempts to pass the driver's test when I was 17.(There might have been other reasons, like I was impatient, careless, reckless, ... ) The last time I took the driver's test, I wrote the words "left" and "right" on index cards and taped them to the dashboard. Then when the tester said "left" or "right" I only had to glance at the dashboard to know the direction. We all think differently, who's to say which way is correct.

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