Saturday, May 21, 2011

NCKU Museum

On the NCKU campus they have a small Museum with
about 10 exhibits. I have gone to the Museum several times and wrote about it in a previous blog.

There were a lot of new exhibits one year latter so it's good to go often, having gone once in the past doesn't cover it forever.

They have a great exhibit on Chinese Locks and how lock technology has progress in the past 4 thousand years. I'm still not very good a taking pictures through glass display cases.

But the exhibit seems to be drawn from a collector's accumulation, which has also been made into a book.

One of the newest exhibits is about Tsoo Wong. He left China after college during the Qing Dynasty. He worked in Britain and went to school at MIT. He was the first aeronautical engineer hired by Boeing.

He returned to China in the 1920's and developed the Chinese Aircraft Industry.

After 1949, he because a professor at NCKU teaching aeronautical engineer. I'm just amazed at these lives that have gone from the days of the Emperor to Computers.

Being an engineering school, the NCKU Museum has a nice display of mechanisms like this 2-stroke engine.

I always feel a little old when they display an antiques what I use to own.

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