Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Motorcycles in Tainan - San Lun Che

San Lun Che is a "three wheeled vehicle" but in this case they have a car engine rather than a motorcycle engine on three wheels. In Taiwan they are now rare, but they are impressive when you see them. Just imagine what it is like to drive a machine that has a V8 engine between your legs. An Ad Hoc frame with a car engine, the brakes are probably in adequate, the noise is unmuffled, the load is heavy, in their day they were the terror of the neighborhood.

I have seen one in Taipei, but I thought Taipei was too sophisticated for such a throwback. I think there are a lot of Taiwanese who are just too stubborn to change, their San Lun Che will die when they die and not before.

In Tainan, there is one San Lun Che that crosses my path on the way to school, even though it makes enough noise to announce its arrival, I am too slow on the draw of my camera to get a good picture. Eventually, I realized that the driver has a regular schedule, at about 10:10 in the morning he crosses the NCKU campus on Linsen Road from North to South. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday my one on one class gets out at 10AM. I run half a mile to Linsen and setup for my shot. Just keep shooting as fast as possible.
 Here's a sequence: He's coming!

Closer and closer
The camera reload is too slow!
 My camera doesn't reset quick enough. I caught him a couple times in traffic.

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