Sunday, May 1, 2011

Another Chinese Rhyme

Here's is my last rhyme from the Restaurant at the Liao Ning Night Market in Taipei. The font of the Chinese characters really baffled me, so I asked for Florence's help. The character for "women" in this Rhyme, just doesn't look like anything in textbook .

It is the third character in first line.

Here are the characters in a more reasonable font:

和情人睡, 醉生夢死
和名模睡, 貴的要死
和老婆睡, 整夜裝死

Of course the spoken word rhymes because the last word of each line is the same.

hé měinǚ shuì, xīngfèn dào sǐ
hé chǒunǚ shuì, shēng bùrú sǐ
hé lànǚ shuì, lèide yàosǐ
hé qíngrén shuì, zuì shēng mèng sǐ
hé míngmó shuì, guìde yàosǐ
hé lǎopo shuì, whole night zhuāng sǐ

And here is my translation:

Sleeping with beautiful woman, you're excited to death
Sleeping with ugly woman, you'd rather die than live
Sleeping with hot woman, you're tired to death
Sleeping with lover, your mind is in a dream
Sleeping with famous model, is expensive to death
Sleeping with your wife, the whole night you pretend you are dead

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