Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Plans for the Break

We have a three week break between quarters here at the Chinese Language Center. Luckily, Florence's family as two weekends of SaoMu in the middle of this vacation. SaoMu is translated as "tomb sweeping" and is a time when you visit the graves of your ancestors. For the Lee Family, it is a time for the generations to get together, eat and talk.

The first SaoMu is for the grandmother of the Lee Family. She was a devoted Buddhist and her tomb is in a Buddhist Temple in Southern Taiwan.

The second SaoMu is in Ilan, the ancestral home of the Lee Family.

Before the first SaoMu, Florence and I are going to Boracay Island in the Philippines.

After the second SaoMu, Florence and I are going to Bali, Indonesia.

The next few blog entries will be about these trips.

1 comment:

  1. Bon voyage! I hope you have wonderful trips together.
