Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bali - Architecture

In Bali, it is warm there is no need for walls to kept the heat in. Most building need only be pillars and a roof, only for privacy do you need walls. The roof is slanted at a 45 degree angle to get the rain to drain quickly and the pillars allow the cooling breeze.

Here is all it takes.

But to support that roof with native materials like bamboo and rattan takes a complicated structure on the inside.
And it all assembled by hand, in stitu, no mass production allowed.

With small structures it seems possible, but in the big structures like a temple or meeting hall the trusses to support that large roof at a 45 degree angle becomes complicated.

All without nails!

How many of these structures collapsed before the formula was known? Like building European cathedrals, all by trial and error. And of course, decorated to boot.

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