Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Good Ideas

Just walking around Tainan you run into good ideas. Here are some I liked. Here is an old building from Japanese time. It probably has a leaking roof, the solution is just to build another roof on top. I saw this solution in QiShan also.

Here one of the old buildings on campus is "Earthquake protected with steel gridders that match the gray cement.

Here is part of a lawn watering system with PVC plastic pipes attacked to the building, holes drilled into the pipes and values used to direct the flow.

Bicycles carrying more than one person sometimes 3 or more. The soft seat in the back allow women in skirts to ride sidesaddle.

What's a busy mother to do?

Roof based solar hot water heaters.

For construction sites, it's hard to get enough space to bring in a dumpster, the streets are too narrow. So these fiber glass baskets can be filled and then removed with a flatbed truck with an attacked crane.

1 comment:

  1. A mom with three kids on a bicycle--amazing! That would take nerves of steel.
