Saturday, March 12, 2011

Invasion of the Potato Snachters

I thought the "Ireland's Potato" store in KaoHsiung was a one-of-kind store. But they are in Taipei too at the downtown mall near Taipei 101. And during a bus stop in TaiChung, there was a "Ireland's Potato" store at the rest stop. I fear that rice, as a starch delivery system, will soon be replaced by potatoes. Actually fried food always tastes better and potatoes do well when fried. (Fried rice is good too.)

Anyway here are the pictures from Taipei's potato store.

They also sell beer, now there's a balanced diet, potatoes and beer. I remember in Africa, they sold Guinness as "a meal in a bottle."

But the potatoes come with many toppings so I guess you can have more than just starch, oil and alcohol.

But fast food is fast food, and it's so convenient.

Note to Dan Quayle

singular:  potato
plural:      potatoes

1 comment:

  1. Ireland's Potato sounds like a fun place. Won't you be away from one on St. Patrick's Day?
