Thursday, March 31, 2011

Bali - Weaving

After a while, our driver figured out that we weren't into temples that much. So he took us to a weaving house in Gianyar, East Bali. Here women wove by hand the sarongs worn by both men and women in Bali. Because of the time and skill needed for these handmade textiles the prices were out of our range. Even though in the middle of nowhere they took Visa. Our driver said that if you bought these textiles in the big city, like Kuta, you would pay double what the price at Gianyar. Either way we only looked.

 Of course, it is always women who do this kind of work. Our driver said men don't have the patience to weave, he was probably right.
This unsophisticated operation had innovative technology, I like this use of a bicycle tire rim.
There was a lot of effort into successively dyeing the material. The undyed material was wrapped with plastic ties that were removed after each dyeing operation.

The results were vivid colors in a geometric design.

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