Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mail in Taiwan

Taiwan is a small island and so the mail delivery is excellent. Mail is delivered 3 times a day. Being as densely populated as Taiwan is mailmen on motorcycles are the norm. Motorcycles drive on the sidewalks as much as the roads so delivery is much easier(if dangerous for pedestrians).

The drop off boxes have two slots, one for ordinary(green) one for urgent/airmail(red). But with delivery three times a day, I think ordinary mail is a one day trip.
There are are a varieties of mailboxes, the simple standard box.

And a little more artistic.

Looking a little retro.

And they have junk mail too, just like US.


  1. Is delivery really 3 times a day? Why is the Taiwan postal service so strong compared to the US? Great photo of Florence!

  2. Taiwan is a small Island and even then most of the population is located along the west coast.

    The US is just too big, the distances are too long, the density to sparse.
