Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bali - Butterflies

There should be a law that you can only visit one temple per day, because after a while you begin to lose track of which temples you went to. Luckily there are other, better places to go to than just temples. One place is the Bali Butterfly Garden. This is a garden enclosed in netting that keeps the main attractions from flying flying away. Once inside the garden there are butterflies everywhere and many different kinds.

They are hard to photograph because they don't cooperate and sit still. One time when they are sitting still is when they are mating.

The guide said that they can mate for 8 hours at a time. One of our fellow travelers said "That seems a bit too much." But after mating, the male dies and soon after laying the eggs the female dies too. They never live long enough to see their children so it's just the sex that they are interested. But when mating you can see than the male and female have different colorings.

If they are flying it's impossible to get a good shot, you just have to wait for them to alight and then start shooting. Just keep shooting and sort the pictures out later. With the digital cameras it's no big deal but in the film world just think of the waste!

They have brown ones:

Colorful ones:

And my favorite, the black and white one:

And in the hatching room they have moths too.

I never did get a good shot of the "black and yellow", the "iridescent green" and the "blue one". I guess now I have three reasons to return to Bali.

1 comment:

  1. The black and white one is my favorite also. You are doing very well as a photographer!
