Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Philippines

This was our first trip to the Philippines and maybe a tourist destination isn't the best place to get a first impression. In some ways it reminded me of Liberia from forty years ago and for Florence it was like Taiwan when she was growing up.

But the best part of the Philippines for us were the people. They were always friendly and willing to help.

From my days in Liberia, I am reluctant to take pictures of people without their permission but Florence is fearless is taking the picture first and asking permission second. It usually works for her.
Here is the couple that helped us exchange money on the way in. We just happened to meet them strolling the beach.
Here's the prettiest girl we met, mixed Philippino and Australian.

What was most heart breaking was the large number of children not in school. Some without clothes, some begging for money. But the Philippines is still a developing country, I guess we should have expected this.

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