Friday, February 11, 2011

Taiwanese High School girls

Getting out of class I was waylaid by these girls.

They are Senior High School students in Tainan. They were still on New Year's vacation but they had the assignment of interviewing a "foreigner" during their break. I was their lucky target. They seem to hang out at the foreign language center looking for prospects. In Taiwan, I'm big, have white hair and dress kind of funny. Easy to pick.

For high school students their English was amazing, once they got over their case of the "giggles" they were serious and business-like in conducting their interviews.
They had cellphones and each recorded their interview and took a cellphone picture of them and their interviewee.

Their topics were:

1. What you you think of Hanna Montana? - I barely know who she is, so I lied and made up a bunch of interesting answers.

2. What do you think of Chinese Night Markets? This one was easy, there is plenty to say.

3. What are your dreams for the future? Wow, I was kind of thinking that my "future" was over but I didn't want to say that. So I winged it. One question she asked me still haunts me:

Is it better to have a dream or to have your dream fulfilled? I am still struggling with that question.

4. What are the cultural differences between Taiwan and your country? I fumbled through this one saying family was more important in Taiwan than in the US. She helped me by suggesting that the US is just too big. I think she was right.

I usually don't think high school students are of much interest, but I was really taken aback at how mature they were and how serious they were about the answers. I guess our preconceptions always need a kick in the butt.

1 comment:

  1. Little Taiwan bitches were just bitching around looking for white cock with free meal and drink.
    You should also ask them an very serious question; ''Ok, tell me girls are you still virgins''? Or even better; ''When was your first time''? Or the best one; ''Who was coming to your bed when you were little girls? Was is it father or your brother or maybe both''?
    I will give you a hint;
    There are no virgins in Taiwan...
