Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Huo Guo(Hot Pot)

With the weather as cold as it has been one of the most popular ways of eating out is Huo Guo(Hotpot). The way it is done now is that each dinner has a metal pot with heater at his/her seat. Then they add ingredients to make a stew of what ever they want. They control what goes in the pot, how long it cooks, what spices are used ... If it's not what you wanted you have no one to blame but yourself!

Here are basic equipment, from top to bottom. The hot pot, some rice(noodles another choice), and a bowl of personal choice spices. The basic step is to cook in the pot, transfer to the spice bowl, eat with the rice. A little like fondue(without the cheese or chocolate). 

The ingredients start out with cabbage and lettuce that will eventually absorb the flavors from the broth.
Then there are some other standard ingredients like mushrooms, doufu, dried doufu skin, corn, squash, sour melon, taro, ... Some cook quickly some take longer, its your responsibility.
Now you pick the extras, meat choices: chicken, pork, beef, goat, egg, ... I tried goat meat.

You also added communal plates of additional ingredients, like a seafood combo.
After all this cooking, the best part for me is the broth. It is just the best with all the flavors mixed together.

At this particular Huo Guo there were 5 adults and 2 children. We all left stuffed and it cost 957NT. Drinks, ice cream, desserts, tea included. So about $32 US.

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