Monday, February 7, 2011


ust a single letter in the English signage can mean that you are the new, improved product. Anything that begins with the lower case is such a product. I think intel was the first company to spell their name without capitalization some time in the 1980s. They should have patented, copyrighted and registered that letter i. Now, the world over, it is the symbol of the new and modern.

 A fashion store
 Life insurance
 Eye surgery

Another possibility is to use the lower case e, as in email.

But the electronic tech world is not the only source of the new and modern, biology can also add the buzz words. As in cosmetics.

1 comment:

  1. Mike, as always, you have given me something new to think about. It's interesting to think about the way our language evolves. I wonder how many new words have been coined since we were born, or even in the past 10 years. Must be thousands!
