Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pets in Taiwan

It seems more and more people in Taiwan own pets. Because living spaces are small in the past I think tropical fish were popular but now it seems to be dogs. I don't see many cats, there could be house cats, but I don't see them on the street.
In the parks, there are ponds big enough to support turtles but they are discarded pets that the owners got tired of.

Tainan seems to have a large number of stray dogs, these probably were pets that just outgrew their living arrangements and were dumped somewhere. I suppose unwanted dogs in Tainan are dumped in KaoHsiung and unwanted dogs in KaoHsiung are dumped in Tainan. KaoHsiung is 3 times larger than Tainan so this doesn't seem fair. KaoHsiung and Tainan are about 1 hour drive apart.

This is a universal problem because:

All cute little puppies grow up to big dogs.


All cute little kittens grow up to be cats.

What looked like fun turns in to a problem when they grow up.

I remember when my Dad had a "farm" about an hour's drive from Minneapolis. The place was full of strays. Reluctant dog owners would drive their pet out to the countryside and dump it, hoping a farmer might need an extra dog. The dogs would band together and the motley pack would chase the dairy cows. The farmers couldn't let that happen, so they'd take a shotgun to the pack of strays. Problem solved, so much for responsible pet ownership.

Tainan has it's own packs of strays(no photos necessary). They hang out in the parks. Dogs in Tainan seem quite docile, but in packs they get territorial and can be intimidating.

The small parks around Tainan are full of dog poop. It's especially bad when the park is next to a large apartment complex. It isn't the strays that poop in the park(they poop anywhere they want). It's the dog owners that think their dog is just a fertilizing machine. I never see any dog owners in Tainan pickup after their dog has done his duty.

Here's a riddle in English: "shitty dog owner"

Does this mean the dog is shitty or is it the owner that is shitty?

This year is the year of the rabbit. So a lot of cute baby bunnies were for sale and probably given as pets. But I predict, that these cute little bunnies will grow up to be rabbit problems. Then they will be dumped in the parks, where they will be torn to pieces by the stray dogs. Another problem solved.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping this post might generate some response, but I only got 1 email about how dogs have special status. Here was my reply to that email.

    Seattle has twice the dog ownership rate as the rest of US. So I know dogs and dog owners. But I don't see what the big deal is about not eating dogs. We raise cows and eat them, why not raise dogs and eat them? I don't know of any dogs that have given up eating cows because they are their fellow mammals. To me, humans,dogs and cows are in a meat lover's triangle with the cow getting the worst position.

    I blame the whole problem on Walt Disney who portraited his cartoon characters( goofy, mickey, donald ... ) as animals with human ability to talk and think. Now everyone thinks of animals as being minatuer humans which they are not. To me they are just delicious thing to eat. I have eaten dog before also rat but I couldn't tell the difference. The dog was particularly tasty.
