Monday, February 14, 2011

Dorm tip #315 - duct tape is your friend

Everyone has trouble with mosquitoes. Once a mosquito gets into the room, its buzz is annoying and the diligent dormer won't rest until the intruder is dead. How did she get in?(Blood sucking mosquitoes are always female.) Mosquitoes are the original heat seeking missiles. They follow the drafts of warm air to their victims. That's why even in a car with door closed, the mosquitoes come in, they follow the vents from the hot air heating system. (Once the car is warm, close the air vents.)

The cracks between the door and the door jam in my room are big enough to drive a mosquito through. So I used duct tape to reduce the door crack. There are plenty of tape products to choose from, all from the dry goods or hardware store.

The most veratile tape is the middle one, duct tape. It can be folded over to make double sided tape but sometimes, I just splurge and buy the official double sided tape, the bottom one, from a good company like 3M = Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing.

Using duct tape 1/3 folded over, I made a strip that can cover the door cracks, not perfect but at least is cuts down on the drafts(also retains heat).

When all done, the door is now more of a sealant, keeping the heat in and the mosquitoes, hopefully out. And allowing occupants to still go in and out.

One more point of access is the shower drain, I know that modern plumbing has U tubes(not youtube) that trap the water in the pipes but from the smells, I don't trust the U tube. So I use a simple kitchen plug to add security.


  1. I sounds like you have the mosquito problem under control. What about bedbugs? Are they much of a problem in Tainan?

  2. No stories about bedbugs in Taiwan, but Taiwanese are not timid about using insecticides. I'm glad my reproductive years are over.

    I think fleas from dogs are more of a problem and there was a story recently about rashes passed from pets to their owners.
