Saturday, February 12, 2011

Dorm tip #317 - the clothesline

Dorm rooms are just small, anything you can do to increase the space is worth the effort. (Even though my dorm room is small, I still seem to lose things.) A clothesline is a good way of making space.

No only can you use it to dry off clothes, but also for just hanging stuff up so it's right in you face. With a couple of dollars worth of material a clothesline is a reality.

Rope and hooks are available at the hardware store. Knots are so permanent, so I like to use a gravity loaded end of the line. It gives when you add load. This is something I learned from around Tainan.

You still have to anchor the ends, that's where the hooks come in.

Remember not to cut the rope, just double string it, because there is a variant to Murphy's law:

"A length of wire cut to specification is always too short."

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