Friday, January 28, 2011

A trip to City Hall

This past Sunday was the Tainan Marathon. Running events are popular in Taiwan, this time of year is cool enough and a lot of Taiwanese are into fitness. Bicycle riding is also popular, riding around the island hugging the coast is a popular route.

I didn't

    1. run the marathon
    2. walk the marathon

I walked TO the marathon. The Marathon started and ended at the Tainan City Hall which is in the Western District of Tainan and I live in the Eastern District. It is about a 1.5 hour walk from my place to the City Hall. Luckily Tainan is located on the flat ocean coastal plain and has very few hills, a good place for a marathon.

Something went wrong with my camera and I lost all the shots but I retraced my route 2 days ago and got some of them back. Also the City Hall is open during the weekdays but not on Sunday.

In just the two years I've been coming to Tainan, I can see the city government is doing more to get foreigners to come and visit. They have an assistance office for foreigners.

They have internet access and lots of information about Tainan and Taiwan, here's the reading material I left with:
They had a great mural of Tainan as seen by google Earth, it was good to see the whole city in a 50 foot by 10 foot picture. This is just the middle third of the mural. It really shows what a port Tainan was in the olden days.

Of course it couldn't be a true Chinese government agency without paying tribute to the big guy, Confucius.

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