Monday, January 24, 2011

HuaYuan #2 Things to Buy

More than half the stalls in the Night Market are vendors selling clothes, accessories, trinkets, dodads, stationary, cell phones, ... The night markets are famous for their low prices and maybe low quality but if you're not planning to wear it forever does it really matter? Also there are probably a couple vendors selling the same line of product in the same night market so the competition means the prices are low. Saturday night is not a school night so the early crowd include a lot families with children. The elementary school children like to decorate their school back packs with dangling toys.

Older children, in high school might need a cell phone, because it seems everyone in Taiwan has a cell phone or a new cell phone case.
What I can figure out, is with everyone having a cell phone, why are watches still popular?
I missed taking pictures of the clothing stall which were by far at the most common. Most of the style are the fashionable current models, in a sense the stalls can move faster than the brick and mortar stores. There are no changing rooms so you better know your size and be able to pick it from what it looks like on the rack.


  1. I love your photos. Since cell phones are taking over, do you think that cameras are now obsolete along with watches?

  2. I think watches are coming back, but more as a jewelry piece rather than a time piece. The cell phone cameras are not a good as the cheapest camera(no zoom, no high definition, no flash options, ... ), I think it will be awile before cameras are replaced.
