Friday, January 21, 2011

My Research

I've started a new research project in Tainan. Because Tainan is famous for "Xiao Chir" (small snacks), I've decided to survey the situation here in Tainan. I have a newspaper article and map of the famous ones and I'm checking them off one by one. I have a lot of enthusiastic supporters in this project, my 2 teachers are all for it and have alot of suggestions for places that weren't on the newspaper's list.

I live in the newer Eastern district of Tainan and most of the famous places are in the older Western district, so it's a 30-60 minute trek to most of them. But even in Taiwan I can see then days are getting longer and there is more time to explore that part of town.

This was my first hit after the Guan Tsai Ban. It's a plate of assorted sausages. The ones with meat were the tastiest but there were the strange ones. One white one was made with rice and peanuts.  Another was made from Tofu. Ok but I'm not going back.

This one was an oyster/egg corn starch pancake with vegetables. Pretty good, I'd go back, I know some people like this one.

One good thing about this research project is that you can hardly mess up. I went to one address and couldn't find the address. But I found some good snacks anyway. (I had the address right, I was just on the wrong street.)

This was a Chun Jie, a spring roll with finely shredded cabbage and dried shredded pork inside a disk of onion bread. It was really good.

This was another find on the wrong street, it's called "dan bing", a fried egg wrapped in a sheet of fried bread and then sliced. Pretty good, but pretty common too.

Just the thing to eat while reading the morning newspaper.

1 comment:

  1. You are making me hungry just looking at your photos! I'd like to try the vegetarian sausages. They sound interesting to this vegan. I don't have as many little restaurants to explore here in Tucson that are vegan friendly. Instead I'm trying to cook some new dishes. I just found a recipe for chocolate chili that I think I'll try soon.
