Thursday, January 27, 2011


FengLiSu is a small cake with a pineapple filling in the middle. The crust is maybe like the outside of a muffin.(See pictures below)

Any research is sure to start a controversy. As part of my research on the "xiaochi" (snacks) of Taiwan, I tried one FengLiSu and said it was the best I ever had. Another student at my school had recently gotten married and had to give gifts to his wife's relatives. One of these gifts was FengLiSu. So he said what I thought was the best wasn't and he gave me a sample to test.

Here is the first FengLiSu.

 Here is the one used for the wedding gifts:
The winner in my opinion was the one used for weddings, it has a sweeter, softer filling and a thicker crust. The other was bigger but size isn't everything. Here's what I consider the best FengLiSu store in Tainan.

Part of my problem with this research was that the other store is actually famous for their meat bun(baozi) so they couldn't be expected to do a good job on FengLiSu. Their baozi is good but I need to do more research before I make a definitive decision.

The name of this store is KLin, I think in the past I had it confused with KLIM, another famous brand in Taiwan.

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