Monday, January 10, 2011


During the VietNam War protests in the US, there was a phrase:

"Freedom in America is the freedom to choose between a 100 different toothpastes."

Freedom in Taiwan hasn't reached the level of freedom as in American but the number of available toothpastes are rising. The two most popular local toothpastes are shown below.

As far as I can tell they are both the same only the packaging is different. I have tried both and in blind brushing tests, I can't tell the difference.  Here is the same two boxes with the boxes rotates to see another side.

The similarity is by choice, which was the original? Rotating the boxes again for another shot gives a clue.

The original was Darlie because it produced the white teeth of an American Negro and the Whitemen toothpaste is the knockoff. it's kind of an embarrassment for Taiwanese that such stereotypes still have sway but that the historical story.

1 comment:

  1. You have a sharp eye for interesting details, Mike! Here in Tucson, where the shooting tragedy just struck, one of the TV stations is "KGUN" and its motto is "KGUN at Your Side". I'm sure there will be more debate on gun control now. Congresswoman Gabby who got shot apparently has supported gun rights and owns a gun that is similar to the one that shot her. As a side bar, one of the newscasters for KGUN is a gentle yoga teacher that I've had a couple of classes from.
