Monday, January 17, 2011

The KaoHsuing Main Stadium

Continuing with the mathematical theme, we have the KaoHsuing Main Stadium. It was built for the 2009 World Games, which are like the Olympics but for lesser known sports. Because it is new there were a lot of geometric features, it was quite futuristic. It can hold upto 40,000 spectators and the field is big enough for soccer or rugby. (Rugby, is actually popular with the students at NCKU, I see them playing every morning on my way to class.)

I took a tour with a group of senior citizens. There is an interesting pasttime in Taiwan of trying to guess where a speaker comes from. From small differences in how they speak Chinese or Taiwanese, the listeners can guess the speaker's hometown. My group of senior citizens had only a few questions about the stadium but mostly wanted to know if they guessed the tour guide's hometown as being TaiZhong. It was.

You'd think that in such a small island as Taiwan there wouldn't be that much variation, but there is. It doesn't matter to me, they will always know from just one sentence that I'm not from Taiwan.

The stadium seemed built from pipes(curves) crossing in different directions.

The parallel family of curves generate a surface.


Some of the sculptures around the stadium look like protein shapes that I generated while at the Yeast Resource Center .

1 comment:

  1. In Tucson we play a game guessing who are the snowbirds. My friend works at a golf course refreshment stand. She says that all of the winter vacationers play golf in shorts, while the natives wear long pants and jackets.
