Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Taipei - Liao Ning Night Market

While Florence and I were in Taipei, we went to the Liao Ning Night Market. It is not very big compared to the other Taipei night markets like Shilin or Shida night markets. In fact it is only one city block long with eating booths on both sides of the street. When we were there, there was only food for sale not the usual clothes, watches, shoes, games. ... That was fine for us, we have enough stuff.
It's fun to just go up and down the street planning what you are going to eat. It's better to go with somebody so you can try as many different things without getting full.
Here's one of Florence's favorites, roasted corn on the cob.
We both like "Chou Dou Fu" which fermented doufu that is then fried. It gives off a distinctive smell so you always know when you are near a "Chou Dou Fu" stall.

Usually it comes with various sauces and accessories. Each vendor tries to make their offer special.

"Chou Dou Fu", people either love it or hate it. In the big sophisticated city of Taipei there is even some talk about banning it because of its smell. I have had versions of it in Taipei don't smell at all, but they really can't be considered "Chou Dou Fu" if it doesn't smell.

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