Thursday, April 28, 2011

Feng Shui

It's always a surprise for me that for Taiwanese who are so hardheaded about finance are still into Feng Shui. For me, Feng Shui is the positioning of architecture to influence the 'qi". "Qi" is some mystical force that flows in the universe. There is good Qi and bad Qi, by positioning you can deflect the bad and channel the good. I really don't think there is any such thing.

But in Taiwan you often see some strange scuplture in the front of a building, it's not there for an artistic purpose, it's there to influence the qi.

I think shiney things deflect bad Qi and maybe pointy things direct bad Qi towards others.

I know mirrors work and they are often at the entrance to a building, like this one at the entrance to the Chinese Literature Depatment building on the NCKU campus.

It's OK with me because I know gardens influence the Qi and we can always use more gardens.

And aquariums also effect the Qi, and we need more aquariums too!

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