Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Last Day in Tainan

In the past 2 years, I have spent more than 12 months studying Chinese in Tainan. I know that I will never be "fluent" in Chinese as it is as difficult language as English.(3 "as" in one sentence!) But I like studying Chinese even if some ultimate goal will never be achieved.

June in Tainan is graduation time, with black robes and graduation ceremonies. The graduation colors for Cheng Da(Cheng Kung University) are a beautiful orange/yellow.

These are the colors of the Feng Huang,鳳凰,Pheonix tree that blooms in May/June in Taiwan. The Feng Huang tree is also known as the "graduation tree" as it blooms at the time the school year is over. It blooms in May in Southern Taiwan and a little later in Northern Taiwan. It is something that everyone in Taiwan associates with graduation.
I feel I have graduated too. I am still a student of Chinese but ready to go some place new. Another sheepskin for the wall.

The same is true with blogging. I have logged almost 300 blog entries in the past 2 years. It's been fun but eventually everything gets stale. Blogging makes you think of your audience, but without much feedback I just started writing for myself rather that the audience. Lately the blog has been more for me than any audience.

I like writing, but the blog entry mode is confining, I should try a new mode. I'm thinking of writing a novel or some short stories. Anyway this blog is over.

"A rolling stone gathers no moss", I want to keep rolling, moving. I don't want to be like these paving stones that have grass grow up around them and prevent them from moving on.

Again I have to say thank you to Florence who has made this all possible. Getting married to her was the best decision of my life.

Over and out.


  1. Thank you Mike. I have certainly enjoyed reading about your adventures and all that you have learned (with the possible exception of so much motorcycle information). I'm sorry I haven't been more interactive, but when I eventually publish my little blog, I'll let you know.
    Welcome home. I hope to see you and Florence in Eugene this summer.

