Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fun Stuff3

The current law in Taiwan is that any building with 5 floors must have an elevator.  But many buildings were built before this law. NYC is also famous for such "walkups". So there are ad hoc solutions, many older buildings have a  crane off the balcony.
But there are other solutions like an outside elevator.
And for moving day we bring in the big equipments.
But the fifth floor in Taiwan is actually the fourth floor in US thinking. There is no ground floor/main floor that corresponds to zero. In Taiwan the first floor is the ground/main floor. (For mathematicians, zero is a very important number, it is not nothing!)

The new word in Taiwan for "cool" is "kui"(the letter L is hard to pronounce) pronounced as "coo".

Do we every outgrown our need for bathroom humour?  I think not. These two have a problem.
 She seems to have solved the problem.
 He seems to be quite proud of his accomplishments.
This last picture was one of the hardest shots, the sign is on Plexiglas spaced from the wall. The camera kept focusing on the wall and so unfocused on the sign. The "back-lighted" option seemed to work the best.

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