Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fan Art

While visiting in New York City last year we went to the Museum of Modern Art(MoMA). They had this interesting performance art/display.

Still shot

Here is the movie of the "performance" art.

 In mathematics we call the behavior of the loops of tape is chaotic but chaotic within limits. This is a case where the global constraints allow chaotic movement within a boundary area. This is a hard problem in mathematics to describe let alone solve.

Watching the movie clip several times, I got the following requirements:

1. Industrial power fans
2. 35mm film
3. 2 connected loops of film(topologists would call the
the configuration a hopf link)

The rise of political power in the South and the Southwest of the US is completely due to the availability of AC(Air Conditioning). Before AC, living in these areas of the US was problematic but with AC possible. So the political influence(to the determinet of the US) is due to the availability of AC. Just my theory.

In my dormitory, each room has it's own air conditioning unit. But each room pays it's own electrical bill, so you use your AC at your own expense. I was determined not to use AC this time, so I bought 2 fans for my room. Two Fan! a chance to do ART! 

I got an old VHS tape that I decontructed to make my art. I don't think the world art scene is less for my cannibalization of this tape.

I think the world is better off with one less tape like this.

With 2 fans and a tape supply, I can create art too. Here is the setup:

And the movie:

I could have done a better job but my main problems were:

1. VHS tapes is lighter than 35mm tape.
2. My fans were not as powerful as the industrial versions.

But there are several areas for further investigation:

1. What is the maximal direction of the fans.(I know direct opposition is not as sustainable as an off center direction.)
2.The interconnection of the two loops definitely has an effect on sustainability. More interconnection is compensating.

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