Monday, June 6, 2011

Fun Stuff2

I was at a dinner in Taipei and there were these two child performers that went about the restaurant with a 15 minute dialog that held all the Chinese speakers spell bound. That they talked for 15 minutes without a script and with animation was just amazing to watch, even though I didn't know what the hell they were saying.

I suppose, nowadays with all of our computers as memory aids, personal memory isn't as important as before, just like being able to compute isn't needed as much with computers doing the donkey work.

I have been happy with the English books at the NCKU library but I recently visited the Tainan Municipal Library.

As could be expected, they didn't use the Dewey Decimal system, there is another classification system and it is the one used with the Chinese books at the NCKU library too.

The classes are:

    * 000 – Computer science, information and general works
    * 100 – Philosophy and psychology
    * 200 – Religion
    * 300 – Social sciences
    * 400 – Language
    * 500 – Science (including mathematics)
    * 600 – Technology and applied Science
    * 700 – Arts and recreation
    * 800 – Literature
    * 900 – History, geography, and biography

I was recently visited by alien being but he was strangely silent.

On the trip to Ali Shan, our tour bus stopped at one of the many rest stops for a bathroom break. This sign caught my eye.

The translation is a little unclear. The first line says this lowered sink is for children to use, the second line says not to put your feet with pressure on the sink. So it's OK to wash your feet in this lowered sink but don't stand on the sink. Also it's a good idea not to beat the children.

Who knew that Tainan has a Jewish spopts equipment store?

And a preschool for love babies. I didn't think there were that many "love babies" in Tainan. Who doesn't like burgers and pudding?

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