Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Recent(2/7/11) pictures

Some pictures just are one of a kind and don't fit into a category. Like these.

Who ARE these guys? And how did they get to Taiwan?

"Hello Kitty", the perennial favorite of preteen girls, is now more than 30 years old. Those little girls are now women and their tastes have changed from stationary items to jewelry. As advertised at 7/11.

What the Obamas do has world influence, if Michelle wears pearls then every woman should wear pearls like this advertisement says.

While in Kaohsiung, I stopped by the Museum of Science and Technology which prominently displays the Nobel Prize winners. Here is Liu Xiao Bo, this year's winner of the Peace Prize, who now sits in a Communist Chinese prison unable to accept the prize. How strong is a country that can't accept or even answer criticism?

China now has the greatest number of internet users in the world, but it is all filtered by the Great Firewall of China. This firewall blocks all mentions of Taiwan, Tibet and Tiananmen Square. Recently they started blocking the word "Egypt", because they don't want their citizen to get any fancy ideas. The Chinese netizens are really like the frogs at the bottom of a well. They only see a portion of the world.

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