Monday, June 13, 2011


Women in Taiwan have an interesting situation. The traditional role is as wife and mother but the new reality is that they are equal to a man in the academic world and the workplace. The Taiwanese system of emphasizing academic testing has actually worked to improved the position of women as they suffer no discrimination for their sex on national exam test results. The same is true in the workplace, if they produce results(money) then their sex is irrelevant.

So the best method of birth control is equal education for women. If women have more options than wife and mother then each child is born of a conscience decision of both parents. What could be better?

But the marriage business is big business in Taiwan. A typical marriage in Taiwan might cost 1,000,000NT or about $30,000 US. A once in a lifetime gamble on eternal happiness.

Most all the fixings(like a wedding dress) are rented but still the cost is high.

A further complication is the Chinese superstition of good and bad days, this makes planning the date a tricky matter. If the day is good then all the available venues are booked in advance. But we all know a good day by number of marriage vehicles on the road.

Taiwan is a country in transition.

In my dorm there is another interesting situation. Single rooms are for one person with no overnight "guests". But Taiwanese have a habit of taking off their shoes outside of the room. On my hallway I can tell who is in or out from the shoes at the entrance to their room. I can also tell who has had a "guest' stay overnight. Women's shoes are different than men's. I may have led a sheltered life, but at least I know this.
The guys feet will not fit these Cinderella slippers.
This guy does not wear boots.
Slippers again.

  Privacy .vs. cleanliness what a choice.


  1. Someone else told me recently that "data shows" birth control effectiveness parallels female literacy. How much I've enjoyed your observations. How much longer until you leave for home?

  2. It's now Wednesday morning in Taiwan, I need to clean the room some and pack and then I'm off to the airport. The next time I'm on the web it will be from the US. Mike
