Saturday, March 5, 2011

End of the quarter(gardens)

Last week was the end of the winter quarter, all the final exams and homework assignments are over. It was a pretty hectic time, you could see the worry of the student's faces. The halls were not as loud as everyone was getting in their last words. It would have been a good time to visit a garden.

Of course the Art Department has a nice one.
At a high end apartment complex.
Sometimes with fish too.

The Civil Engineering Department has a nice one too.

It's nice to be surprised by a garden in the mist of chaos.


  1. how'd did you do on your exams dad?! by the way, pretty garden pictures!

  2. I love you photos of the gardens, Mike. We don't see many water gardens here in Tucson. There are many cactus gardens, though!

  3. I paid the tuition for next quarter, so they let me come back. Actually my only exam is that Florence thinks I'm making progress.
