Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cold weather in Taiwan

Taiwan is cut by the Tropic of Cancer and is a little lower in latitude than Florida, so you might think it is warm all the time. But I guess hot and cold are relative terms.

It has been colder than when I was here last year at this time. I bought a blanket recently and don't think I could have slept with out it. Most houses in Taiwan don't have central heating and at most they might have a space heater. My dorm has neither, usually the problem is that it is too hot(i.e. air conditioning) rather than too cold. It's been so cold lately that I bought a thermometer just to see what is going on.
It's a pretty "old school" thermometer but it has both the Centigrade and Fahrenheit scales so for me it's a learning tool. (Being the only developed country using the Fahrenheit scale is part of the doctrine of "American Exceptionalism" ).
I bet the Tea Party is against the metric system.

Here are the average temperatures in Taipei(North) and Tainan(South) from Wikipedia for January(Centigrade/Fahrenheit):

                           Taipei              Tainan
High                   18.9/66             23.0/73.4
Mean                  15.8/60.4          17.4/63.3
Low                    13.3/55.9          13.6/56.5

In contrast the forecast for January 1st in these two cities is:

High                    13/55.4                18/64.4
Low                       5/41                     9/48.2

For someone from Seattle or Minneapolis these are great temperatures. And in Tainan we have had sunny days since I arrived(I doubt Seattle has had one sunny day.)

Part of the problem in Taiwan is that so many people use motorcycles they add a wind chill factor to how cold it feels. Some of the motorcycle riders wear such heavy coats that I think they could handle Minnesota.

I did hear that some women in Taiwan like the cold weather because it means they can wear a different selection from their wardrobe.


  1. Our friend Paula said that Tucson might get snow today. People went to Miami to get away cold this winter also got cold shoulder. It looks like everywhere this year, the weather is either too cold or too hot. Are we still talking about global warming?

    I told you to bring a jacket but.... Taipei will be colder.

  2. Tucson is expecting snow later today. We see snow covered mountains (which would be called hills in Washington) from our windows. It's strange. In just a couple of days we've gone from unseasonably warm weather to unusually cold, wet weather here. I don't mean to complain about it, though. I'm thankful to be here over the winter and have so many moderate, sunny days. I'm even more thankful that our sons were able to fly home after Christmas with no problems at all. This Christmas travel season will long be remembered by millions of people, both in the US and in Europe as being especially trying. Mike, I'm glad that you made it to Tainan without any glitches.

  3. It's suppose to even snow in Vegas tonight or tomorrow... ugh. I saw snow flurries on the way home form the airport!

    I will keep you posted!
